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Richard Teo

Richard Teo Eng Hwee

Director of Business Development

Richard Teo, 42 years of age, is also no stranger to E-TECH Building Services. Like his elder sibling Davies, he virtually “grew up” in the premises of his father’s workshop. Determined to acquire greater domain knowledge in M&E, he enrolled for a part-time Diploma course in mechanical Engineering after obtaining his Nitec Certificate in Electrical power and machine.

Richard started to work in E-TECH in 1997, two years earlier than his brother, having developed a passion in his father’s growing business. The early days were hard and trying as he had to prove himself in the company. He quickly assimilated into his role and picked up new skills and business traits in the course of his work. His diligence, determination and good nature are attributes well appreciated by customers who reward E-TECH with repeat work and recommendation of new clients.

Married with two daughters and a son, Richard is not someone who rests on his laurels. To improve his credentials, he continued to garner new skills and knowledge in recent years. He completed the GMM course (Green Mark Manager) and acquired a wide spectrum of BCA certifications, amongst others. He also attended the “Certified Quality Technician” course conducted by Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 2001. Collectively, these qualifications serve ETECH well in bidding for more prestigious and high-end projects.

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